Goodbye, sweet prince.
Thanks to the FDA and BigGovt playing Nanny State 1984 HOLY CRAP WHY on us, the sale of flavored tobacco, including my beloved Djarum clove cigarettes, are banned under Federal Law.
Go HERE for more info.
Fortunately, my darlings, there is a way around this, as always.
One can go to Canada or other countries, buy the acceptable personal amount, and then come home with them.
One can also make your own, using a blend of shredded clove buds and loose cigarette tobacco. Mix in a 50/50 split (originals are a 60 tabaccy 40 clove mix), store in a dark jar in a cool, dark place for 3-4 weeks, and then use with a rolling machine or papers.
OR, you can go online to foreign companies and buy either the loose tobacco or the cigarettes themselves. - it's international, which is a good thing. One Indonesian site has THIS to say about the ban:
"The new regulation has ban clove cigarettes to be distributed in all states but you can still purchase them online since the law addresses the sale of these cigarettes ONLY in the US. Our company is located and registered in INDONESIA. The law also doesn't ban private citizens from possessing and smoking the clove cigarettes. You just cannot find and buy them on your local store."
So, while you were paying attention to the Wag the Dog Health Care bill and other things, THIS was passed under your very nose.
What was this about a "transparent" government, Mr. President?
Edited to add:
You can now sign a petition to have the ban removed
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