Monday, June 25, 2012

You're not a Nazi - direct from High Command

Donna posted back a few days on DeviantArt the wonderful little blurb "You're not a Nazi" - and got a nice amount of response to it.

The best one, however, was one of those who swears up and down they are. Rather like someone else I encountered 4 years ago while at work, but on the opposite side of the fence - claiming victim status when born after said event.

The attitude is the same - to claim one is a part of the party when in reality born in say, 1950-1960. That's when the modifier "neo" comes into action.

So, let's take a look at the thread in question, and all have a laugh. People like THIS individual responding to Donna's post aren't what we are about. (Donna's replies are bolded)


DasBlondeBiest said the following:

I'm not sure if I'm the right type of person to be contributing after briefly looking things over. I'm guessing that maybe this is more of a fangirl type thing, whereas I might do some humorous stories but I'm more into the serious thing and I am NS. In other words, I don't have disclaimers on my page because I really am a Nazi and lots of DA people would pretty much like to see me dead,lol! But I'll pass this on and see if there are some of the younger FG types who might be interested in helping! I can think of a couple of girls right now...

Rummelhart said the following:

No, it's not. It's "I draw this because I want to, but I'm NOT a Nazi."

A lot of young people THINK they are Nazis without knowing the history. I mean, you wouldn't REALLY like to see all the non-whites locked up and worked to death and burned for soap, now would you? You wouldn't like to see all rights taken away from women, and their being confined to breeding, would you? I doubt it. Not really -- you'd never do such a thing, in reality.

If you think "Nazi" means you like the uniforms and the history -- then you fit in here.

Rommel wasn't a Nazi party member, by the way. It's why he couldn't get a pilot's license. But he flew anyway! (Well, he was a general. If a person wasn't a party member, they couldn't own or use a typewriter, either -- it was forbidden to non-Nazi-party members).

Donna Barr

 DasBlondeBiest said the following:

I've been studying NS ideology for many years and I'm 52 now, so I understand the difference between a "wannabee teenager" and somebody who is a serious believer which I am. My husband is Austrian and his family were supporters, and I have many elderly friends who lived in Germany at that time and still support the Reich now. Nothing disgusts me and irritates me more than this disclaimer bullshit. "I draw Notsis all the time cuz I think they are like really really cool but gosh they are are all mean and nasty and real scary. So I'm not one!" Give me a break. People like that need to drag their toys to another corner and play by themselves and leave us alone. I fully support NS ideology and that does not mean you want all "Non-white people burned up". It looks like you have been thoroughly brain-washed by pc nonsense.
Don't lecture me about what NS is and what it isn't and talk to me like I'm a 15 year old fangirl because I'm not.

"Hm..... still supporting the Nazis and believes what is known about their ideology is "pc crap."

Sounds like a foolish 15-year-old to me.

The American Nazi Party proclaimed me the AntiChrist. For good reason.

You DO know that "PC" used as an insult means "I can't say the N-word or the C-word any more and it makes me all mad and stuff!"

Thanks for the woids. They're gonna look great on the blog. :D



The best part about this? The little puke blocked Donna after her last response. Can't take the heat, don't feck with those of us with the bigger artillery pieces, you numbnuts.That's right. I went there.

Oooookay then. Excuse me while I try to stop coughing because I was laughing so hard at this Neo-nazi's little temper tantrum. They might be in their 50s, but they are still mentally in the teenage-phase of "Oh, lookit me I'm so badass check it out" (not to disparage teens here, I know some that have their heads on right, darn it.)

As an artist who draws the era, but isn't a follower of the politics (because I've read the history, talked to people who experienced it and damn the last thing y'all wanna hear is one of my honorary oma's stories about how she hid in the forests from the Russians approaching when she was 4, or the tale of one of my other German friends about how her mother was imprisoned because she bragged about her son being selected for the SS and tried to pull rank on neighbors and what not - you do NOT want to hear these, because they will give you NIGHTMARES) I find this attitude both laughable, and disturbing. This is the LAST thing we need in this world at the moment, and the absolute opposite of what being a KrautGrrl is about.